Inservice Training :- 1st Phase of In-service Training for the academic year 2024-2025 was held on 4th and 5th June 2024. The following topics were covered during the programme :-

    Jaadui Pitara :- A workshop on Jaadui Pitara NCF were conducted to upgrade the teaching skills of  teachers so that they can design and implement instructional strategies by accommodating students individual learning style, age group, social background and making the teaching learning process joyful and child centered. In this respect Mrs Gita Paul (PRT), Sonu Chettri (Pre Primary Teacher), Rikynti Kurbah (Pre Primary Teacher) who were deputed to attend CBSE at Army Public School, Happy Valley Shillong shared their experience and practices.

    How to use your library :- With a view to make efficient and effective use of the library a lecture was held for teachers in which the school librarian Bandarisha Khongbuh acquainted the teachers with the rules and regulations of the library and provided tips with regard to borrowing, return and replacing  of books so that locating and retrievable become effortless.

    Communication skills/overcoming  stage fear/role play :- In order to strengthen teacher’s communication skills, a workshop was organised in which activities on role play, speech, panel discussion and pronunciation were undertaken. In this respect teachers shared their best practices.

    Classroom Management :- In order to strengthen teacher’s skills of classroom management, a workshop was organised in which teachers shared their best practices and strategies with regard to class control, student’s sitting arrangement, dealing with distractions, attracting students attention and arousing student’s curiosity so that classroom learning can be effective and objective oriented.