
  1. Every student should carry school diary to school daily.
  2. Students who come to the school on their own should arrive at the school five minutes before the bell rings. Parents are not allowed in the campus and must drop the child at the gate entrance.
  3. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed (ironed uniform). The school uniform must be worn on all working days as well as on PTMs.
  4. Students should not apply nail polish, henna or hair color during the school session.
  5. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the school.
  6. No student is permitted to bring a mobile, electronic gadgets, play stations etc to school. If these are found with a student, they shall be confiscated.
  7. The name, class and section should be clearly marked on all belongings.
  8. Changing classroom between periods, where necessary, should be done silently and in orderly manner. 
  9. Shouting, loud talking or whistling is not allowed in the school.
  10. The school reserves the right to suspend /expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school. 
  11. Parents are requested not to visit the students in the class rooms without the permission of the Principal.
  12. Parents are requested to take prior appointment with teacher and Principal for meeting.